One Minute DMT Breathing: Guaranteed Activation
*The purpose of this blog is to share with you how to do this technique — not to discuss DMT or dive into a philosophical discussion.
I recommend reading Ayahuasca — A Journey from the Dream World to the Real World for more on my ayahuasca journey.
For more information on DMT visit the following links:
I created the One Minute DMT Breathing technique. It is a combination of Bhastrika — demonstrated by Troy Casey — DMT breathing technique and an altered Ustrasana: Camel Pose (backbend — yet only bending as far back as you can).
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Step 1. Just as Casey demonstrates in his video, sit on your knees so that your diaphragm is open. Sit in a comfortable position (you could pass out so make sure you are not in a position where your head can hit something).
Step 2. Take one Lion’s Breath out.
Step 3. Breath in deep. Breath in and out quickly through your nose. When you breath in your stomach should expand — when you exhale your stomach should contract. Watch this video to see how your breathing should look:
Do 20–30 breaths and hold your breath on the last one.
Step 4. This is where I deviate from Casey. While your breath is held, bend backward as far as you can (knowing you will have to quickly return to your position). This is a modified Ustrasana: Camel Pose.
Hold your breath in the modified Camel Pose for 10 seconds (make sure your head is bent back for those 10 seconds).
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Step 5. Return to your starting position and then bend forward (still holding your breath). You will travel somewhere in your mind for 5–10 seconds. This is a quick and crazy rush.
*Make sure to do this exercise on a soft surface. If you pass out you have went too far.
Every time I use this technique I make a small trip (activate DMT). You are guaranteed to experience something with this technique.
Other Techniques
I also recommend reading Breath: The New Science Of A Lost Art by James Nestor and give these techniques a try:
*The following techniques are not related to DMT.
- Mewing
- Chew Gum
- Posture and Breathing
- Tummo Breathing
- Pranayama
- Modified Holotropic Breathing
This technique is awesome and will get you vibrating all over.
- Wim Hof Method
- Relaxed Breathwork Technique